No. |
Name der
Partei |
Gesamt |
ohne OCV1) |
Gesamt in
Proz. |
Sitze |
Anbar |
Babylon |
Bagdad |
Basra |
Diyala |
Dahuk |
Arbil |
Kerbala |
Maisan |
Muthanna |
Najaf |
Ninive |
OCV1) |
Qadisiyya |
Salah-ad-Din |
niyya |
(Kirkuk) |
Dhi Qar |
Wasit |
111 |
Islamische Arbeiterbewegung im Irak |
43.205 |
42.459 |
0,5% |
2 |
27 |
4.394 |
8.532 |
5.777 |
589 |
74 |
143 |
3.302 |
1.716 |
1.360 |
3.779 |
155 |
746 |
4.063 |
233 |
190 |
226 |
4.916 |
2.983 |
130 |
Kurdistan Allianz (PUK und KDP) |
2.175.551 |
2.096.047 |
25,7% |
75 |
58 |
1.015 |
45.525 |
383 |
35.607 |
375.165 |
622.889 |
211 |
110 |
94 |
161 |
77.246 |
79.504 |
239 |
19.723 |
679.648 |
237.006 |
191 |
776 |
169 |
Vereinigte Irakische Allianz UIA (schiitische Allianz) |
4.075.295 |
3.979.977 |
48,2% |
140 |
4.786 |
397.715 |
1.130.277 |
518.091 |
88.211 |
2.017 |
933 |
211.481 |
175.303 |
145.957 |
290.208 |
23.224 |
95.318 |
253.223 |
31.139 |
1.934 |
19.815 |
429.544 |
256.119 |
170 |
Versammlung unabh. Demokraten (geführt von Adnan Pachachi) |
12.728 |
12.600 |
0,2% |
9 |
1.025 |
3.186 |
2.277 |
185 |
24 |
42 |
334 |
674 |
530 |
447 |
62 |
128 |
655 |
506 |
56 |
920 |
1.271 |
397 |
175 |
Turkomanisch-irakische Front |
93.480 |
87.151 |
1,1% |
3 |
12 |
136 |
4.039 |
182 |
928 |
13 |
1.880 |
103 |
318 |
32 |
74 |
1.650 |
6.329 |
45 |
11.226 |
617 |
65.614 |
100 |
182 |
204 |
Nationale Rafidain Liste (Assyrische Christen) |
36.255 |
17.717 |
0,4% |
1 |
10 |
104 |
7.430 |
120 |
219 |
4.165 |
958 |
44 |
15 |
10 |
56 |
3.346 |
18.538 |
38 |
10 |
99 |
978 |
68 |
47 |
255 |
Die Iraker (geführt von Übergangspräsident Ghazi al-Yawar) |
150.680 |
148.365 |
1,8% |
5 |
1.377 |
2.138 |
25.352 |
5.503 |
9.307 |
181 |
499 |
2.128 |
537 |
722 |
759 |
56.609 |
2.315 |
3.404 |
17.828 |
492 |
18.725 |
1.463 |
1.341 |
258 |
Nationale Demokratische Allianz |
36.795 |
36.258 |
0,4% |
1 |
77 |
1.779 |
14.350 |
5.312 |
1.000 |
155 |
236 |
1.890 |
1.719 |
698 |
1.799 |
815 |
537 |
1.642 |
286 |
134 |
467 |
2.086 |
1.813 |
283 |
Die Islamisch-Kurdische Gesellschaft |
60.592 |
59.766 |
0,7% |
2 |
27 |
337 |
3.210 |
839 |
221 |
735 |
9.800 |
535 |
441 |
117 |
386 |
115 |
826 |
322 |
232 |
39.329 |
2.228 |
395 |
497 |
285 |
Irakische Liste (geführt von Ex-Premier Ijad Allawi) |
1.168.943 |
1.144.807 |
13,8% |
40 |
5.263 |
60.075 |
462.677 |
151.070 |
35.115 |
1.979 |
3.605 |
64.285 |
49.110 |
32.595 |
52.425 |
21.040 |
24.136 |
50.674 |
14.405 |
1.629 |
22.494 |
56.270 |
60.096 |
311 |
Versöhnungs- und Befreiungsblock |
30.796 |
30.713 |
0,4% |
1 |
13 |
1.064 |
1.933 |
648 |
979 |
9 |
17 |
263 |
106 |
77 |
117 |
541 |
83 |
387 |
16.689 |
23 |
6.846 |
459 |
542 |
324 |
Kommunistische Partei |
69.920 |
58.280 |
0,8% |
2 |
34 |
6.301 |
21.952 |
4.226 |
2.357 |
146 |
1.184 |
2.172 |
1.456 |
1.102 |
1.773 |
1.317 |
11.640 |
2.899 |
1.385 |
715 |
1.237 |
5.054 |
2.970 |
351 |
Irakische Islamische Partei |
21.342 |
21.190 |
0,3% |
235 |
333 |
3.081 |
534 |
14.756 |
29 |
111 |
90 |
223 |
38 |
123 |
721 |
152 |
129 |
164 |
104 |
134 |
158 |
227 |
352 |
Nationale unabh. Eliten- und Kaderpartei |
69.938 |
69.776 |
0,8% |
2 |
16 |
1.675 |
28.545 |
2.188 |
447 |
49 |
34 |
1.000 |
10.242 |
264 |
3.259 |
40 |
162 |
6.551 |
31 |
50 |
153 |
8.179 |
7.053 |
Gültige Stimmen gesamt: |
8.456.266 |
8.192.581 |
13.753 |
501.331 |
1866021 |
738.243 |
204.155 |
393.655 |
657.030 |
302.641 |
253.156 |
189.429 |
368.338 |
201.477 |
263.685 |
338.717 |
144.598 |
743.120 |
397.224 |
531.211 |
348.482 |
Stimmberechtigt: |
15.568.702 |
677.821 |
747.588 |
3.857.499 |
1.096.749 |
707.598 |
458.924 |
870.026 |
439.764 |
441.168 |
315.842 |
529.890 |
1.343.381 |
524.073 |
564.607 |
961.786 |
691.581 |
818.939 |
521.466 |
Wahlbeteiligung: |
54,3% |
2,0% |
67,1% |
48,4% |
67,3% |
28,9% |
85,8% |
75,5% |
68,8% |
57,4% |
60,0% |
69,5% |
15,0% |
64,6% |
25,6% |
77,3% |
57,4% |
64,9% |
66,8% |
Stimmen: |
94.305 |
93.575 |
140 |
5.822 |
20.989 |
10.724 |
2.374 |
3.169 |
9.332 |
3.157 |
2.428 |
1.907 |
3.277 |
1.721 |
730 |
5.599 |
1058 |
7717 |
6062 |
4780 |
3319 |
von Joachim Guilliard
Quelle: Independent
Electoral Commission of Iraq, Results for 6 Governorates, Kurdistan Assembly
and Transitoinal National Assembly 13.2.05 |
| |
OCV: "Out of country voting", Ergebnis
der Wahlen von Auslandsirakern |